URVAG.com - Calendario de Operaciones DX

Copyright © 2024 - 425 DX News, Editor Mauro Pregliasco (I1JQJ)

Hasta 07/09

EG1SDC-EG9SDC: Indicativos especiales

EA - Special event callsigns EG1SDC-EG9SDC (1-7 Septiembre) and EH1SDC- EH9SDC (8-15 Septiembre) will be activated to commemorate Day of Asturias and the principality's patron saint, popularly known as the Santina de Covadonga. This is the 40th edition of the 'SDC' special event. Also active will be EG40SDC (1-15 Septiembre) and ED3SDC (14-15 Septiembre). QSL for all callsigns via EA1AUM (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL. See https://santina.dxfun.com/ for more information, including online logs and downloadable certificates.
Hasta 07/09

OZ0KRF: Bornholm Island (EU-030)

OZ - Team OZ0KRF (SP1IVL, SP3LPR, SP3VAX and SQ1WO) will be active from Bornholm Island (EU-030) on 1-7 Septiembre. They will operate SSB, CW and FT8 on 80-10 metres. QSL via SP1KRF.
Hasta 08/09

E51WLG: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands

E5_sc - Tom, N2WLG will be active as E51WLG from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands on 1-8 Septiembre. He will operate CW and digital modes on 40-10 metres. QSL via LoTW, or via home call.
Hasta 08/09

LU5BE/S and LU8EFF/S: grid FF68qp

LU - Look for Hoc LU5BE/S and Enri LU8EFF/S to be QRV from Chepes and the rarely activated grid FF68qp, in the Argentine province of La Rioja, on 4-8 Septiembre. They will operate SSB, CW, FT8 and RTTY on 40-6 metres with two stations. QSL LU5BE/S via LoTW, eQSL, QRZ Logbook, or via EA7FTR; QSL LU8EFF/S via LoTW and eQSL (paper cards will not be provided). [TNX LU5BE]
Hasta 08/09

TM2024PG: Indicativo especial (France)

F - Vitaly, F4WBU will be active as TM2024PG on 12, 19 and 26 Agosto, and again from 28 Agosto to 8 Septiembre during the 17th Summer Paralympic Games. All QSOs will be confirmed via the bureau.
Hasta 08/09

TM24JPO: Indicativo especial (France)

F - Michel, F8GGZ will be active as TM24JOL between 26 Julio and 11 Agosto, and as TM24JPO between 28 Agosto and 8 Septiembre for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, respectively. QSL via home call. Several other callsigns are expected to be active during the Summer Olympics, including TM100OG operated by Team TM3P; QSL direct to F5PYI TM17JO operated by Jean-Claude, F1HOM from Re Island (EU-032); QSL via the bureau TM2024JO operated by members of Radio Club d'Esquerdes. QSL via F5KAI. TM24PRS operated by F4DTO and F4GFE; QSL via F4DTO TM36JO operated by members of the Association des radioamateurs de l'Indre; QSL via the bureau, or direct to F5OHM TM37JO operated by F4ENK, F4ERS, F5CWU, F5SQM and F6FYA; QSL via F5CWU's OQRS (https://www.f5cwu.net/oqrs/) TM40JO operated by members of the RadioPole Associatif REF-40 (F4KLM); QSL via F6DZU and LoTW TM73JO operated by F6HQP; QSL via the bureau, LoTW, QRZ Logbook TM8JOP operated by Yves, F8LLA, one of the 45,000 volunteers who will support the Olympics
Hasta 08/09

TM40IPC: Indicativo especial (France)

F - Members of the RadioPole Associatif REF-40 (F4KLM) will be active as TM40IPC from 28 Agosto to 8 Septiembre during the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. QSL via F6DZU and LoTW. Several other Indicativos especiales are expected to be active during the event, including TM2024JPP, TM2024PG, TM24JPO, TM24JPP, TM42JP, TM51JP, TM63PARA, TM67PR, TM77PO, TM78OGP.
Hasta 08/09

TM51JP: Indicativo especial (France)

F - Special event station TM51OG will be active on 23-30 Junio as the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Relay passes through the French Department of Marne. It will be followed by TM51JO (to be active from 26 Julio to 9 Agosto during the Olympic Games), and by TM51JP (to be active from 28 Agosto to 8 Septiembre during the Paralympic Games). QSL for the three special callsigns via F5JYD, direct or bureau. [TNX F5JYD]
Hasta 09/09

3A/MM0NDX and 3A/MM0SAJ: Monaco

3A - Col, MM0NDX and Steve, MM0SAJ will be active again as 3A/MM0NDX and 3A/MM0SAJ from Monaco on 5-9 Septiembre. Their main focus is likely to be on the low bands during their evening hours, and on 6 metres if propagation permits. QSL both calls via EB7DX and LoTW. [TNX DX World]
Hasta 09/09

TM2024JPP: Indicativo especial (France)

F - Celebrating the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, members of the Union des Radioclubs (URC)) will use TM2024JOP from 26 Julio to 9 Agosto, and TM2024JPP on 10-11 Agosto and 28 Agosto-9 Septiembre: https://log-et-qsl.associations-radioamateurs.org/wp/boutique/
Hasta 10/09

J3/N9GB: Grenada

J3 - Greg, N9GB will be active holiday style as J3/N9GB from Grenada on 2-10 Septiembre. He will operate CW and SSB on 40-10 metres, and hopefully also 6 metres. QSL via LoTW, or via EB7DX. [TNX The Daily DX]
Hasta 10/09

YJ0YY: Vanuatu

PACIFIC TRIP ---> During his 4-19 Septiembre trip [425DXN 1739], Maxim, OH7O will be active as 3D2YY from Viti Levu, Fiji; YJ0YY from Port Vila, Vanuatu (6-10 Septiembre); T2M from Tuvalu (12-16 Septiembre). He operates mostly SSB and some QRS CW on 40-10m: https://oh7o.com/dxexpedition-to-pacific-islands/ for updates.
Hasta 13/09

8Q7WN: Maldives (AS-013)

8Q - Michele, IZ8PWN will be active holiday style as 8Q7WN from the Maldives (AS-013) on 6-13 Septiembre. He will operate SSB and maybe FT8 on 40-10 metres. QSL via I8KHC.
Hasta 13/09

Z22AO: Zimbabwe

AFRICA TOUR ---> Celebrating his Golden Jubilee in amateur radio, Pista, HA5AO will be active from four African countries as follows: 3-13 Septiembre Z22AO Zimbabwe Zambezi National Park region (KH21ww) 14-23 Septiembre 9J2AO Zambia Victoria Falls region (KH22wc) 24 Septiembre - 4 Octubre A25AO Botswana Chobe National Park (KH22oc) 5-14 Octubre V5/HA5AO Namibia Katima Mulilo region (KH22dm) He will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (F/H) on 80-6 metres. QSL preferably via HA5AO's OQRS (for direct and bureau cards), or direct to HA5AO; the complete log will be uploaded to LoTW six months after the expedition. See https://ha5ao.com/index.php/dxpeditions/africa-tour-2024 for more informa- tion, including QSL policy and band plan.
Hasta 15/09

9M1Z: OC-133 island tour

9M6 - Team 9M1Z will be active from the 'Semporna Islands', Sabah, East Malaysia during the first half of Septiembre. They will be QRV from four islands: Mabul (1-4 Septiembre), Timba-Timba (5-7 Septiembre), Mataking (8-11 Septiembre) and Pom-Pom (12-15 Septiembre). Look for activity on 80-6 metres SSB, CW, FT8/FT4 and RTTY. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS (see https://www.qrz.com/db/9M1Z for the links to the four logs, which will be uploaded separately), or direct to 9W8ZZK or 9M8WIN.
Hasta 15/09

E51EME: Rarotonga (OC-013, South Cook Islands

E5_sc - Bob, ZL1RS will be active again as E51EME from Rarotonga (OC-013, grid BG08cs), South Cook Islands from 23 Agosto to 15 Septiembre. He will focus on 6m FT8 via ionospheric propagation, with 6m EME using Q65-60A as his secondary objective. QSL via Club Log's OQRS and LoTW. See https://www.qrz.com/db/E51EME for more information and updates.
Hasta 15/09

EG40SDC: Indicativo especial

EA - Special event callsigns EG1SDC-EG9SDC (1-7 Septiembre) and EH1SDC- EH9SDC (8-15 Septiembre) will be activated to commemorate Day of Asturias and the principality's patron saint, popularly known as the Santina de Covadonga. This is the 40th edition of the 'SDC' special event. Also active will be EG40SDC (1-15 Septiembre) and ED3SDC (14-15 Septiembre). QSL for all callsigns via EA1AUM (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL. See https://santina.dxfun.com/ for more information, including online logs and downloadable certificates.
Hasta 15/09

FO/F1SMB: Tahiti (OC-046) and Fakarava (OC-066)

FO - Yann, F1SMB will be active again as FO/F1SMB from French Polynesia between 15 Agosto and 15 Septiembre. His main QTH will be Tahiti (OC-046), with a side trip to Fakarava (OC-066). Usually he oper- ates FT8 and SSB 40-10 metres. QSL via F1SMB (direct or bureau), LoTW, eQSL.
Hasta 15/09

H44MS: Malaita (OC-047), Solomon Islands

H4 - Bernard, DL2GAC has been active again as H44MS from Malaita (OC- 047), Solomon Islands for a few days, and will remain QRV until around 15 Septiembre. He operates SSB and some FT8 on 40-6 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau; QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log and LoTW.
Hasta 15/09

IM0C: San Pietro Island (EU-165)

IS0 - Giuseppe, IK5WWA will be active again as IM0C from San Pietro Island (EU-165) on 1-15 Septiembre. He will be QRV on 40-2 metres. QSL via home call. He is in the process of clearing the backlog of his past activities; requests for direct and bureau cards are being processed slowly but surely, so please be patient with him.
Hasta 15/09

OR80USA: Indicativo especial

ON - Members of UBA's Groupement De Verviers will be active as OR80USA on 1-15 Septiembre and again on 16-31 Diciembre. The Indicativo especial commemorates the 80th anniversary of the liberation from German occupation and the Battle of the Bulge during World War II, events in which the US military was heavily engaged. QSL via the bureau to ON4GDV.
Hasta 15/09

VP6WR: Pitcairn Island (OC-044)

PACIFIC TRIP ---> Bill, G0VDE will be active as VP6WR from Pitcairn Island (OC-044) on 5-15 Septiembre, and as FO/G0VDE from Mangareva (OC-063), French Polynesia on 17-21 Septiembre. He plans to operate SSB, FT8 (probably Multi- Stream MSHV) and some RTTY (depending on demand) on 80-6 metres using a linear amplifier. See http://vp6wr.com for more information. QSLs via M0URX's OQRS.
Hasta 16/09

9M61S: Indicativo especial (East Malaysia)

9M6 - Celebrating the 61st Sabah Day (31 Agosto) and Malaysia Day (16 Septiembre), Indicativo especial 9M61S will be active from 23 Agosto to 16 Septiembre. QSL direct to P.O. Box 20469, 88761 Luyang, Sabah, Malaysia.
Hasta 16/09

KH8T: American Samoa (OC-045)

KH8 - Team KH8T (Robert K5PI, Amy KC5DJI, Don N5DD, Madison W5MJ and Keith VE7KW) will be active from Pago Pago (OC-045), American Samoa on 2-16 Septiembre. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 (both 'regular' and SuperFox) on 80-10 metres (possibly also 160 and 6 metres, if conditions allow) with two stations. QSL via M0URX's OQRS. See https://www.kh8t.net/ for more information.
Hasta 19/09

3D2YY: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji

PACIFIC TRIP ---> Maxim, OH7O will be active as 3D2YY from Viti Levu (OC- 016), Fiji between 4 and 19 Septiembre. He will operate mostly SSB and some QRS CW on 40-10 metres (maybe also 80m) from different locations around the island. A side trip to Tuvalu is also being planned: the callsign (T2M) 'is confirmed', but the dates (12-16 Septiembre) are sHasta 'approximate and being arranged'. See https://oh7o.com/dxexpedition-to-pacific-islands/ for more information and updates.
Hasta 20/09

JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)

JD1_mt - Take, JG8NQJ expects to be back to the weather station on Minami Torishima (OC-073) around 20 Junio , his QSL manager reports. Usually he remains there for about three months, and is QRV as JG8NQJ/JD1 in his limited spare time. He operates CW and some FT8 (please note that he wants you to call with your signal report, not your grid square). QSL via JA8CJY (direct), JG8NQJ (bureau) and LoTW.
Hasta 23/09

HZ94ND, 7Z94ND, 8Z94ND: Indicativos especiales

HZ - HZ94ND, 7Z94ND and 8Z94ND are the Indicativos especiales for the Saudi Amateur Radio Society (HZ1SAR) to celebrate Saudi National Day on 5-23 Septiembre. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log. Based on the number of lunar years, Saudi National Day commemorates the renaming of the Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (23 Septiembre 1932). National societies from Gulf Cooperation Council's neighbouring countries are expected to join the celebrations and be active around 23 Septiembre, including the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (A91ARS), the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (9K9KSA), the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (A43KSA) and the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (A60ARS).
Hasta 30/09

3G7CW and 3G7RLN: Indicativos especiales (SA-018)

CE - Members of Radioclub El Trauko (CE7DE), based on Chiloe Island (SA- 018), will be operating Indicativos especiales 3G7CW (CW) and 3G7RLN (other modes) throughout Septiembre, with a focus on the 17th. This was the day in 1898 when Ramon Luis Norero put a wireless telegraph system into operation across the Chacao Channel between Chiloe and mainland Chile. Club Log's Live Stream has been enabled for both callsigns. QSLs direct to CE7DE.
Hasta 30/09

DL250CDF: Indicativo especial

DL - Members of DARC's Ortsverband Greifswald (DL0HGW) will be active as DL250CDF from 1 Agosto to 30 Septiembre. The Indicativo especial marks the 250th anniversary since the birth of the painter Caspar David Friedrich, an icon of the German Romantic movement. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau, eQSL and LoTW. A cer- tificate will be available, see https://dl0hgw.darc.de/dl250cdf.htm for information.
Hasta 30/09

DM50LOW: Indicativo especial

GQRP CLUB'S GOLDEN JUBILEE ---> Formed in 1974 by Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV (1943-2019), the GQRP Club promotes Low Power Radio. Celebrating the club's 50th anniversary, G5LOW and all its regional variants (GD5LOW, GI5LOW, GJ5LOW, GM5LOW, GU5LOW and GW5LOW) will be QRV on 1-30 Septiembre. In addi- tion, seven special callsigns will join the celebrations from Austria (OE50LOW), Finland (OH50LOW), France (TM50LOW), Germany (DM50LOW), Italy (IR3QRP), Romania (YP50QRP) and Spain (EG5LOW). Commemorative certificates will be available for chasers: https://www.gqrp.com/50years.htm.
Hasta 30/09

EG5LOW: Indicativo especial

GQRP CLUB'S GOLDEN JUBILEE ---> Formed in 1974 by Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV (1943-2019), the GQRP Club promotes Low Power Radio. Celebrating the club's 50th anniversary, G5LOW and all its regional variants (GD5LOW, GI5LOW, GJ5LOW, GM5LOW, GU5LOW and GW5LOW) will be QRV on 1-30 Septiembre. In addi- tion, seven special callsigns will join the celebrations from Austria (OE50LOW), Finland (OH50LOW), France (TM50LOW), Germany (DM50LOW), Italy (IR3QRP), Romania (YP50QRP) and Spain (EG5LOW). Commemorative certificates will be available for chasers: https://www.gqrp.com/50years.htm.
Hasta 30/09

II4OTSR: Indicativo especial

I - Throughout 2024 ARI Fidenza will use a series of Indicativos especiales each representing a 'keyword' that summarizes and characterizes the content of a sentence from one of Guglielmo Marconi's many public speeches: II4TENC (Enero), II4INTU (Febrero), II4SUCC (Marzo), II4DETR (Abril), II4SEAS (Mayo), II4RDFE (Junio), II4INNV (Julio), II4BFRE (Agosto), II4OTSR (Septiembre), II4VISN (Octubre), II4BTFU (Noviembre), II4FCGD (Diciembre). QSL via IQ4FE. Information about the 'Discovering Marconi' award: http://www.arifidenza.it/.
Hasta 30/09

IK1MNF/IA5: Isola d'Elba (EU-028)

I - Domenico, IK1MNF will be active again as IK1MNF/IA5 from Isola d'Elba (EU-028) from early Junio through the end of Septiembre. He will operate SSB on 20-6 metres. QSO will be uploaded to Club Log and LoTW; QSL via home call.
Hasta 30/09

IR3QRP: Indicativo especial

GQRP CLUB'S GOLDEN JUBILEE ---> Formed in 1974 by Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV (1943-2019), the GQRP Club promotes Low Power Radio. Celebrating the club's 50th anniversary, G5LOW and all its regional variants (GD5LOW, GI5LOW, GJ5LOW, GM5LOW, GU5LOW and GW5LOW) will be QRV on 1-30 Septiembre. In addi- tion, seven special callsigns will join the celebrations from Austria (OE50LOW), Finland (OH50LOW), France (TM50LOW), Germany (DM50LOW), Italy (IR3QRP), Romania (YP50QRP) and Spain (EG5LOW). Commemorative certificates will be available for chasers: https://www.gqrp.com/50years.htm.
Hasta 30/09

OE4RRDXA: Indicativo especial

OE - Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Rhein Ruhr DX Association (https://rrdxa.org/), Tom,OE4EIE is active as OE4RRDXA from 1 Julio to 30 Septiembre. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log; paper QSL cards will not be available.
Hasta 30/09

OE50LOW: Indicativo especial

GQRP CLUB'S GOLDEN JUBILEE ---> Formed in 1974 by Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV (1943-2019), the GQRP Club promotes Low Power Radio. Celebrating the club's 50th anniversary, G5LOW and all its regional variants (GD5LOW, GI5LOW, GJ5LOW, GM5LOW, GU5LOW and GW5LOW) will be QRV on 1-30 Septiembre. In addi- tion, seven special callsigns will join the celebrations from Austria (OE50LOW), Finland (OH50LOW), France (TM50LOW), Germany (DM50LOW), Italy (IR3QRP), Romania (YP50QRP) and Spain (EG5LOW). Commemorative certificates will be available for chasers: https://www.gqrp.com/50years.htm.
Hasta 30/09

OE70VIE: Indicativo especial

OE - OE70VIE is a Indicativo especial marking the 70th anniversary of Vienna International Airport (IATA code VIE) from 21 Junio to 30 Septiembre. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW in due course, or via OE6VIE.
Hasta 30/09

OH50LOW: Indicativo especial

GQRP CLUB'S GOLDEN JUBILEE ---> Formed in 1974 by Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV (1943-2019), the GQRP Club promotes Low Power Radio. Celebrating the club's 50th anniversary, G5LOW and all its regional variants (GD5LOW, GI5LOW, GJ5LOW, GM5LOW, GU5LOW and GW5LOW) will be QRV on 1-30 Septiembre. In addi- tion, seven special callsigns will join the celebrations from Austria (OE50LOW), Finland (OH50LOW), France (TM50LOW), Germany (DM50LOW), Italy (IR3QRP), Romania (YP50QRP) and Spain (EG5LOW). Commemorative certificates will be available for chasers: https://www.gqrp.com/50years.htm.
Hasta 30/09

TM50LOW: Indicativo especial

GQRP CLUB'S GOLDEN JUBILEE ---> Formed in 1974 by Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV (1943-2019), the GQRP Club promotes Low Power Radio. Celebrating the club's 50th anniversary, G5LOW and all its regional variants (GD5LOW, GI5LOW, GJ5LOW, GM5LOW, GU5LOW and GW5LOW) will be QRV on 1-30 Septiembre. In addi- tion, seven special callsigns will join the celebrations from Austria (OE50LOW), Finland (OH50LOW), France (TM50LOW), Germany (DM50LOW), Italy (IR3QRP), Romania (YP50QRP) and Spain (EG5LOW). Commemorative certificates will be available for chasers: https://www.gqrp.com/50years.htm.
Hasta 30/09

YP50QRP: Indicativo especial

GQRP CLUB'S GOLDEN JUBILEE ---> Formed in 1974 by Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV (1943-2019), the GQRP Club promotes Low Power Radio. Celebrating the club's 50th anniversary, G5LOW and all its regional variants (GD5LOW, GI5LOW, GJ5LOW, GM5LOW, GU5LOW and GW5LOW) will be QRV on 1-30 Septiembre. In addi- tion, seven special callsigns will join the celebrations from Austria (OE50LOW), Finland (OH50LOW), France (TM50LOW), Germany (DM50LOW), Italy (IR3QRP), Romania (YP50QRP) and Spain (EG5LOW). Commemorative certificates will be available for chasers: https://www.gqrp.com/50years.htm.
Hasta 06/10

DL2SWW and DF9TM: IOTA Tour (OH, SM, OH0)

IOTA TOUR ---> Frank, DL2SWW and Gaby, DF9TM plan to operate from several Finnish and Swedish islands around the Gulf of Bothnia between 3 Septiembre and 6 Octubre. Their IOTA Tour will start and finish in Helsinki; depending on weather conditions, it will include activities from IOTA groups EU-173 (OH), EU-101 (OH), EU-184 (OH), EU-139 (SM), EU-087 (SM), EU-084 (SM), EU-002 (OH0), EU-096 (OH) and EU-097 (OH).
Hasta 31/10

LZ1515IW: Indicativo especial

LZ - Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) will use six Indicativos especiales during 2024 to honour as many different Orthodox saints: LZ235IR (Enero and Febrero), LZ543BN (Marzo and Abril), LZ44IZ (Mayo and Junio), LZ302IT (Julio and Agosto), LZ1515IW (Septiembre and Octubre), and LZ311PA (Noviembre and Diciembre). QSL via the bureau or direct to P.O. Box 36, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria. Details on the 'All Saints 2024 Award' can be found at https://www.lz1kcp.com/.
Hasta 31/10

OE20SOTA: Indicativo especial

OE - Sylvia, OE5YYN will be active as OE20SOTA between 1 Mayo and 31 Octubre to mark the 20th anniversary since Austria joined the Summits on the Air programme. A certificate will be available, see https://www.qrz.com/db/OE20SOTA.
Hasta 09/11

TM80LW: Indicativo especial (France)

F - To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Wingles during WWII (2 Septiembre 1944), the local radio club (F4KLR) will be active as TM80LW on 31 Agosto, 2 Septiembre and for another 13 days until 9 Noviembre. All SSB and CW QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau and eQSL; FT8 QSOs will be confirmed via eQSL. [TNX F6AJA]
Hasta 30/11

YT100RB and YU1924RB: Indicativos especiales

YU - Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Radio Beograd (1 Octubre 1924) members of the Belgrade Amateur Radio Club (YU1ANO) will be active as YT100RB and YU1924RB until 30 Noviembre. A certificate will be available, see https://yu1ano.org/ for the details.
Hasta 31/12

9A100RKZ: Indicativo especial

9A - 9A100RKZ is the Indicativo especial celebrating the 100th anniversary since Radioklub Zagreb was founded (24 Marzo 1924). Look for activ- ity throughout 2024. QSL via 9A1ADE.
Hasta 31/12

9A67AA: Indicativo especial

9A - Throughout 2024 Tom, 9A2AA will use 9A67AA to mark his 67 years of activity on the amateur radio bands. QSL via home call.
Hasta 31/12

C5GM: The Gambia

C5 - Jean-Louis, F6ITS left France in Agosto 2023 for a 2-3 year round- the-world voyage. He recently obtained his Gambian licence and will be active as C5GM until the end of the year. For the time being he operates SSB and CW (QRS); the station is located on his sailing boat, the 'Sharkif', which means that his operations cannot be accepted for DXCC credit. QSL via EA7FTR.
Hasta 31/12

DG22SIXTY: Indicativo especial

DL - DG22SIXTY is the Indicativo especial for DARC's Ortsverband Gemund (G22) to celebrate their 60th anniversary from 1 Febrero until 31 Diciembre. QSL via the bureau.
Hasta 31/12

DM60IOTA: Indicativo especial

DL - DM60IOTA is the Indicativo especial for DARC Team SES to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Islands On The Air programme. Plans are to be active from all of the German IOTA groups (EU-042, EU-047, EU-057, EU-127, EU-128 and EU-129). QSL via the bureau, or direct to DL2VFR.
Hasta 31/12

DP9GLHN: Norderney Island (EU-047)

DL - DP9GLHN is the Indicativo especial that members of DARC's Ortsverband Norderney will be using from 1 Febrero to 31 Diciembre to mark the 150th anniversary since the Norderney Island (EU-047) lighthouse was put into service. QSL via the bureau.
Hasta 31/12

EM100WJZ: Indicativo especial

UR - EM100WJZ is the Indicativo especial commemorating the 100th anniver- sary of the first amateur radio activity from the ancient city of Lwow, nowadays Lviv. It was conducted by 15-year-old Jan Zembicki, LW3 (then SP3AR, SP1AR, and finally SP6FZ), a founding member of the Lviv Shortwave Club (LKK) and an outstanding figure in the history of Polish amateur radio. EM100WJZ will be active from 1 Julio to 31 Diciembre. QSL via UR4WWE.
Hasta 31/12

HB150GM: Indicativo especial

HB9 - Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Guglielmo Marco- ni, members of the USKA's Valais/Wallis Section will be active as HB150GM between Abril and Diciembre. QSL via the bureau to HB9Y.
Hasta 31/12

HB20SP: Indicativo especial

HB9 - Members of the Zurich City Police Radio Amateur Club (HB9SP) will be active as HB20SP throughout 2024 to celebrate their club's 20th anniversary. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW, Club Log and qrz.com; do not send any card via the bureau.
Hasta 31/12

HB50VC: Indicativo especial

HB9 - Special callsign HB50VC celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Ra- dio Amateur Club Swissair (HB9VC) from 18 Marzo to 31 Diciembre. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW; QSL cards will not be provided, but a certificate will be available for download: https://award.dl1run.de/award/hb50vc/awardform.html
Hasta 31/12

OE100RADIO: Indicativo especial

OE - Special event station OE100RADIO is active until 31 Diciembre to celebrate the 100th anniversary since regular radio transmissions began in Austria (1 Octubre 1924). QSL via the bureau.
Hasta 31/12

OR100LGE: Indicativo especial

ON - OR100LGE is the Indicativo especial for members of the Radio-Club de Liege (ON5VL) to celebrate their club's 100th anniversary through- out 2024. Look for activity on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, FT8 and FT4. QSL via LoTW, eQSL or via ON6YH; QSOs will also be uploaded to Club Log, with plans to enable the Live Stream feature.
Hasta 31/12

SK100FRK: Indicativo especial

SM - SK100FRK is the Indicativo especial celebrating the 100 anniversary since Falu Radioklubb (SK4AO) was founded. Look for activity from 1 Enero until 31 Diciembre 2024. A very special diploma will be available - see https://www.qrz.com/db/SK100FRK.
Hasta 31/12

SK50B: Indicativo especial

SM - SK50B is the Indicativo especial for members of the Botkyrka Radioama- torer to celebrate their club's golden jubilee throughout 2024. The club was founded on 18 Enero 1974. QSL via the bureau to SK0HB.
Hasta 31/12

SN100P, SN100L, SN100N: Indicativos especiales

SP - Special callsigns SN100P, SN100L, SN100N, SN100PLN and SN100BP will used from 1 Septiembre to 31 Diciembre for the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Bank Polski SA and the introduction of the zloty (PLN), Poland's official currency. The activity is organized by the Polish Amateur Radio Association. QSL via the bureau. A cer- tificate will be available, see https://www.qrz.com/db/SN100PLN for the details.
Hasta 31/12

SN100PLN and SN100BP: Indicativos especiales

SP - Special callsigns SN100P, SN100L, SN100N, SN100PLN and SN100BP will used from 1 Septiembre to 31 Diciembre for the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Bank Polski SA and the introduction of the zloty (PLN), Poland's official currency. The activity is organized by the Polish Amateur Radio Association. QSL via the bureau. A cer- tificate will be available, see https://www.qrz.com/db/SN100PLN for the details.
Hasta 31/12

SN55DIG: Indicativo especial

SP - SN55DIG is the Indicativo especial that Adam, SQ9S will be using until the end of the year to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Diplom Interessen Gruppe. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. See https://diplom-interessen-gruppe.info/ for information about the DIG.
Hasta 31/12

YT100R and YU100R: Indicativos especiales

YU - Organised radio amateurism in Serbia began with the founding of the 'Society of Friends of Radio-Telegraphy and Radio-Telephony' on 15 Julio 1924 in Belgrade. Celebrating 100 years of Amateur Radio in the region, the Amateur Radio Union of Serbia (YU1SRS) will be active as YT100R and YU100R from 1 Abril to 1 Diciembre. A certifi- cate will be available: https://www.radiosport.yu1srs.org.rs/.
Hasta 30/04 2025

RI1ANE: Progress Station, Antarctica (AN-016)

UA_ant - A member of the 69th Russian Antarctic Expedition, Igor, RQ8K will be stationed at Progress Station, Antarctica until the end of Abril 2025. In his spare time he is active as RI1ANE.

ZM100DX: Indicativo especial

SPANNING THE GLOBE ---> 18 Octubre 2024 marks the centenary of the world's very first trans-global two-way radio communication. The contact was made between Cecil Goyder, operating the Mill Hill School station (G)2SZ, and Frank Bell, (Z)4AA, operating from the South Island of New Zealand. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of that historic contact, and celebrate the dawn of mass global communication, radio amateurs in the United Kingdom and New Zealand will be operating four special event stations: ZM100DX early Septiembre-26 Diciembre from locations around ZL GB2NZ 29 Septiembre-26 Octubre from locations around the UK ZL4AA 12-20 Octubre from Shag Valley, New Zealand G2SZ 14-20 Octubre from Mill Hill School, England QSL for all four calls via M0OXO's OQRS. The Goyder-Bell Award will be available for contacts made with the stations celebrating the centenary. Complete information can be found on https://www.gb2nz.com/.

JQ7ELL/7: Tashiro Island (AS-206)

JA - Kari, JQ7ELL has had to change the dates of his JQ7ELL/7 activity from Tashiro Island (AS-206) [425DXN 1737], which is now expected to take place on 7-8 Septiembre. He will operate SSB and FT8 on 80-6 metres, with a focus on 17 and 40 metres. QSL via the bureau to home call.

ZS9KK: SARL Field Day, South Africa

ZS - Team ZS9KK will be active from a farm in the Klein Karoo region of South Africa during the SARL Field Day weekend (7-8 Septiembre). They will operate SSB and CW on 80, 40 and 20 metres. QSL via the bureau

T88PB: Koror (OC-009), Palau

T8 - Nobu, JA0JHQ will be active again as T88PB from Koror (OC-009), Palau on 7-9 Septiembre, with main activity during the SSB leg of the All Asian DX Contest. QSL via LoTW (preferred), or direct to home call.

VO1/DC8TM/p and VO1/DF3TS/p: Fogo Island (NA-198)

VE - Thomas, DC8TM and Martina DF3TS will be active as VO1/DC8TM/p and VO1/DF3TS/p from Newfoundland (NA-027) on 24-30 Agosto, 5-6 Septem- ber and 11-16 Septiembre, and from Fogo Island (NA-198) on 7-10 Sep- tember. They will operate SSB and FT8 from POTA sites, lighthouses and SOTA summits. See https://www.qrz.com/db/DC8TM for their planned activations.

EJ7NET: Aran Islands (EU-006)

EI - Team EJ7NET (namely EI3HA, EI3ISB, EI5KO, EI6FR and EI9JF) will be active from Inis Mor, Aran Islands (EU-006) on 7-11 Septiembre. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on the HF bands. QSL direct to EI6FR. [TNX DX World]

W6A-W6W: Route 66 On The Air special event

W - Organized by the Citrus Belt ARC, the 25th annual Route 66 On The Air special event celebrates the historic US Highway 66. Twenty- three amateur radio stations using 1x1 callsigns (W6A-W6W) will be QRV from cities along the 'Mother Road' on 7-15 Septiembre. See https://w6jbt.org/ for information about the event and QSL routes.

TM45CDXC: Indicativo especial (France)

F - Special callsign TM45CDXC will be active on 7-21 Septiembre for the 45th Convention of the Clipperton DX Club (https://cdxc.org/) to be held at Montceau les Mines on 20-22 Septiembre. QSL via F5CWU's OQRS (http://www.f5cwu.net/oqrs/).

SV2RSG/A: Mount Athos

SV/A - Someone pirated SV2RSG and SV2RSG/A on 5 Septiembre, using a fake SuperFox key on 20 and 17 metres FT8. The genuine Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG plans to be QRV from Mount Athos sometime on 8 Septiembre. QSL via SV1GRM. [TNX The Daily DX]

K4WA: St George Island (NA-085)

W - Depending on weather conditions, Steve, K4WA intends to operate from five island groups, camping on as many different islands as follows: 8-9 Septiembre St George Island NA-085 10-12 Septiembre Havens Island NA-076 13-15 Septiembre Mullet Key NA-034 16-18 Septiembre Amelia Island NA-138 19-21 Septiembre Jekyll Island NA-058 He will operate mainly CW and SSB, but may also include some FT8. QSL via home call.

EH1SDC-EH9SDC: Indicativos especiales

EA - Special event callsigns EG1SDC-EG9SDC (1-7 Septiembre) and EH1SDC- EH9SDC (8-15 Septiembre) will be activated to commemorate Day of Asturias and the principality's patron saint, popularly known as the Santina de Covadonga. This is the 40th edition of the 'SDC' special event. Also active will be EG40SDC (1-15 Septiembre) and ED3SDC (14-15 Septiembre). QSL for all callsigns via EA1AUM (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL. See https://santina.dxfun.com/ for more information, including online logs and downloadable certificates.

XT2AW: Burkina Faso

XT - Harald, DF2WO will be active again as XT2AW from Burkina Faso on 8- 22 Septiembre. He plans to operate SSB and FT4 on 80-10 metres and QO-100. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS and LoTW. [TNX DX World]

K4WA: Havens Island (NA-076)

W - Depending on weather conditions, Steve, K4WA intends to operate from five island groups, camping on as many different islands as follows: 8-9 Septiembre St George Island NA-085 10-12 Septiembre Havens Island NA-076 13-15 Septiembre Mullet Key NA-034 16-18 Septiembre Amelia Island NA-138 19-21 Septiembre Jekyll Island NA-058 He will operate mainly CW and SSB, but may also include some FT8. QSL via home call.

5Q7DX, OV2T, OZ/PA1SVM: Vendsyssel-Thy (EU-171)

OZ - Jan-Willem PA7JWC (5Q7DX), Maarten PD2R (OV2T) and Sven PA1SVM (OZ/ PA1SVM) will be active from Saeby, Vendsyssel-Thy (North Jutland, EU-171) on 10-17 Septiembre. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 160-2m. QSL 5Q7DX via LoTW (preferred), or via PA7JWC; QSL OV2T via LoTW (preferred), or via PA0ABM.

V4/WE9G: St. Kitts (NA-104)

V4 - Rikk, WE9G will be active as V4/WE9G from Frigate Bay on St. Kitts (NA-104) on 10-17 Septiembre. He will operate mainly FT8/FT4 (MSHV) with some SSB and CW on 80-6 metres. QSL via LoTW, Club Log, QRZ Logbook, or via home call.

MJ/TA1HZ: Jersey (EU-013)

GJ - Tev, TA1HZ, will be active as MJ/TA1HZ from Jersey on 11-16 Septem- ber, including participation in the WAE DX SSB Contest (14-15 Sep- tember). QSL via LoTW; QSOs will be uploaded also to Club Log, eQSL and QRZ Logbook. Also active from Jersey will be Peter, ON8ZZ and Fred, ON8ZL on 13- 15 Septiembre. They will be QRV as MJ/OT9Z on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres, and Fred will participate in the WAE DX SSB Contest . QSL via ON8ZL. [TNX DX World]

VO1/DC8TM/p and VO1/DF3TS/p: Newfoundland (NA-027)

FP - Thomas, DC8TM and Martina, DF3TS will be active as FP/DC8TM/p and FP/DF3TS/p from St. Pierre (NA-032) from 31 Agosto to 3 Septiembre. They will operate SSB and FT8 from POTA sites, lighthouses and SOTA summits. See https://www.qrz.com/db/DC8TM for their planned activations.

PH80LIB: Indicativo especial

PA - Special callsign PH80LIB will be in use from various locations be- tween 11 Septiembre and 10 Noviembre to commemorate the 80th anniver- sary of the liberation of southern Netherlands in the autumn of 1944. Activity will be on 80-10 metres SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via the bureau. See https://www.qrz.com/db/PH80LIB for detailed information.

T2M: Tuvalu (OC-015)

PACIFIC TRIP ---> During his 4-19 Septiembre trip [425DXN 1739], Maxim, OH7O will be active as 3D2YY from Viti Levu, Fiji; YJ0YY from Port Vila, Vanuatu (6-10 Septiembre); T2M from Tuvalu (12-16 Septiembre). He operates mostly SSB and some QRS CW on 40-10m: https://oh7o.com/dxexpedition-to-pacific-islands/ for updates.

ZD9GJ: Tristan da Cunha (AF-029)

ZD9 - Lance, W7GJ will be active as ZD9GJ from Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) approximately from 12 Septiembre to 1 Octubre. This will be primari- ly a 6m EME DXpedition, using Q65-60A in the 'Q65 Pileup' mode. See https://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/ for detailed information and instructions. When not 'aimed up at the moon', he may operate SSB or FT8 on 6m TEP. QSL via LoTW, or direct to W7GJ.

K4WA: Mullet Key (NA-034)

W - Depending on weather conditions, Steve, K4WA intends to operate from five island groups, camping on as many different islands as follows: 8-9 Septiembre St George Island NA-085 10-12 Septiembre Havens Island NA-076 13-15 Septiembre Mullet Key NA-034 16-18 Septiembre Amelia Island NA-138 19-21 Septiembre Jekyll Island NA-058 He will operate mainly CW and SSB, but may also include some FT8. QSL via home call.

MJ/OT9Z: Jersey (EU-013)

GJ - Tev, TA1HZ, will be active as MJ/TA1HZ from Jersey on 11-16 Septem- ber, including participation in the WAE DX SSB Contest (14-15 Sep- tember). QSL via LoTW; QSOs will be uploaded also to Club Log, eQSL and QRZ Logbook. Also active from Jersey will be Peter, ON8ZZ and Fred, ON8ZL on 13- 15 Septiembre. They will be QRV as MJ/OT9Z on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres, and Fred will participate in the WAE DX SSB Contest . QSL via ON8ZL. [TNX DX World]

PA80OMG: Indicativo especial

PA - Commemorating the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden, members of Radio Club Limburg will be active as PA80OMG on 13-19 Septiembre. QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau; direct cards go to PD8RW. See https://rclb.nl/pa80omg for more information. Also active will be PH80MG, operated by members of the PI4CQ club station on 13-21 Septiembre.

PH80MG: Indicativo especial

PA - Commemorating the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden, members of Radio Club Limburg will be active as PA80OMG on 13-19 Septiembre. QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau; direct cards go to PD8RW. See https://rclb.nl/pa80omg for more information. Also active will be PH80MG, operated by members of the PI4CQ club station on 13-21 Septiembre.

ED3SDC: Indicativo especial

EA - Special event callsigns EG1SDC-EG9SDC (1-7 Septiembre) and EH1SDC- EH9SDC (8-15 Septiembre) will be activated to commemorate Day of Asturias and the principality's patron saint, popularly known as the Santina de Covadonga. This is the 40th edition of the 'SDC' special event. Also active will be EG40SDC (1-15 Septiembre) and ED3SDC (14-15 Septiembre). QSL for all callsigns via EA1AUM (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL. See https://santina.dxfun.com/ for more information, including online logs and downloadable certificates.

7E4M: Mendanau Island (OC-144)

YB - The Belitung DXpedition Team will be active as 7E4M from Mendanau Island (OC-144) on 14-16 Septiembre. Plans are to operate SSB, CW, FT8 on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres, and via satellite. QSL via Club Log's OQRS and LoTW.

9J2AO: Zambia

AFRICA TOUR ---> Celebrating his Golden Jubilee in amateur radio, Pista, HA5AO will be active from four African countries as follows: 3-13 Septiembre Z22AO Zimbabwe Zambezi National Park region (KH21ww) 14-23 Septiembre 9J2AO Zambia Victoria Falls region (KH22wc) 24 Septiembre - 4 Octubre A25AO Botswana Chobe National Park (KH22oc) 5-14 Octubre V5/HA5AO Namibia Katima Mulilo region (KH22dm) He will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (F/H) on 80-6 metres. QSL preferably via HA5AO's OQRS (for direct and bureau cards), or direct to HA5AO; the complete log will be uploaded to LoTW six months after the expedition. See https://ha5ao.com/index.php/dxpeditions/africa-tour-2024 for more informa- tion, including QSL policy and band plan.

K4WA: Amelia Island (NA-138)

W - Depending on weather conditions, Steve, K4WA intends to operate from five island groups, camping on as many different islands as follows: 8-9 Septiembre St George Island NA-085 10-12 Septiembre Havens Island NA-076 13-15 Septiembre Mullet Key NA-034 16-18 Septiembre Amelia Island NA-138 19-21 Septiembre Jekyll Island NA-058 He will operate mainly CW and SSB, but may also include some FT8. QSL via home call.

SX8AS: Salamina Island (EU-075)

SV - The Salamis Radio Amateurs Group will be active as SX8AS on 16-30 Septiembre from Salamina Island (EU-075). QSL via LoTW and Club Log.

4V1SAVANNAH: Indicativo especial

HH - 4V1SAVANNAH is the Indicativo especial for the Radio Club d'Haiti to commemorate the 245th anniversary of the Battle of Savannah from 16 Septiembre to 20 Octubre. QSL via N2OO; QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log. In 1779, more than 500 volunteers from Saint-Domingue (the French colony which later became Haiti), fought alongside American colonial troops against the British Army during the siege of Savannah, an encounter of the American War of Independence.

FO/G0VDE: Mangareva (OC-063), French Polynesia

PACIFIC TRIP ---> Bill, G0VDE will be active as VP6WR from Pitcairn Island (OC-044) on 5-15 Septiembre, and as FO/G0VDE from Mangareva (OC-063), French Polynesia on 17-21 Septiembre. He plans to operate SSB, FT8 (probably Multi- Stream MSHV) and some RTTY (depending on demand) on 80-6 metres using a linear amplifier. See http://vp6wr.com for more information. QSLs via M0URX's OQRS.

5H1WX: Mafia Island (AF-054)

5H - Vlad, OK2WX will be active as 5H1WX from Mafia Island (AF-054), Tanzania from 18 Septiembre to 6 Octubre. He will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 80-10 metres. QSL via I8KHC. Detailed QSLling policy as well as other information on https://www.mdxc.support/5h1wx/.

K4WA: Jekyll Island (NA-058)

W - Depending on weather conditions, Steve, K4WA intends to operate from five island groups, camping on as many different islands as follows: 8-9 Septiembre St George Island NA-085 10-12 Septiembre Havens Island NA-076 13-15 Septiembre Mullet Key NA-034 16-18 Septiembre Amelia Island NA-138 19-21 Septiembre Jekyll Island NA-058 He will operate mainly CW and SSB, but may also include some FT8. QSL via home call.

DS5ACV/p and DS5DNO/p: Isu Island (AS-081)

HL - Look for Jong DS5ACV/p, Terry DS5DNO/p, Hoya DS5MNO/p and Cho HL5JYS/p to be active from Isu Island (AS-081, WWL PM44ix) starting around 1 UTC on 21 Septiembre until around 7 UTC on 22 Septiembre (30 hours). They will operate CW, FT8 and some SSB on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres. QSL for all callsigns via DS5DNO (direct); QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log. [TNX DS5ACV]

DS5MNO/p and HL5JYS/p: Isu Island (AS-081)

HL - Look for Jong DS5ACV/p, Terry DS5DNO/p, Hoya DS5MNO/p and Cho HL5JYS/p to be active from Isu Island (AS-081, WWL PM44ix) starting around 1 UTC on 21 Septiembre until around 7 UTC on 22 Septiembre (30 hours). They will operate CW, FT8 and some SSB on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres. QSL for all callsigns via DS5DNO (direct); QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log. [TNX DS5ACV]

A25AO: Botswana

A2 - Pista, HA5AO was due to be active as V5/HA5AO from Namibia on 5-14 Octubre [425DXN 1735], but he has had to cancel the final stop of his announced Africa tour for reasons beyond his control, he says. He will therefore extend his stay in Botswana, where he will be QRV as A25AO from 24 Septiembre to 14 Octubre.

GB2NZ: Indicativo especial

SPANNING THE GLOBE ---> 18 Octubre 2024 marks the centenary of the world's very first trans-global two-way radio communication. The contact was made between Cecil Goyder, operating the Mill Hill School station (G)2SZ, and Frank Bell, (Z)4AA, operating from the South Island of New Zealand. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of that historic contact, and celebrate the dawn of mass global communication, radio amateurs in the United Kingdom and New Zealand will be operating four special event stations: ZM100DX early Septiembre-26 Diciembre from locations around ZL GB2NZ 29 Septiembre-26 Octubre from locations around the UK ZL4AA 12-20 Octubre from Shag Valley, New Zealand G2SZ 14-20 Octubre from Mill Hill School, England QSL for all four calls via M0OXO's OQRS. The Goyder-Bell Award will be available for contacts made with the stations celebrating the centenary. Complete information can be found on https://www.gb2nz.com/.

6O3T: Somalia

6O - Team 6O3T (Mauro IV3AZV, Paolo IV3DSH, Fabri IV3JPP, Maurizio IV3ZXQ, Frank IZ8GCE and Kris YL3JA) will be active from northern Somalia sometime in Septiembre: 'although the month of Septiembre has been confirmed, the specific dates will not be announced at this time'. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 (MSHV multi-stream) on 160-6 metres with five stations. See https://dxexplorer.net/ for more information.

9K9KSA: Indicativo especial

HZ - HZ94ND, 7Z94ND and 8Z94ND are the Indicativos especiales for the Saudi Amateur Radio Society (HZ1SAR) to celebrate Saudi National Day on 5-23 Septiembre. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log. Based on the number of lunar years, Saudi National Day commemorates the renaming of the Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (23 Septiembre 1932). National societies from Gulf Cooperation Council's neighbouring countries are expected to join the celebrations and be active around 23 Septiembre, including the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (A91ARS), the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (9K9KSA), the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (A43KSA) and the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (A60ARS).

A43KSA: Indicativo especial

HZ - HZ94ND, 7Z94ND and 8Z94ND are the Indicativos especiales for the Saudi Amateur Radio Society (HZ1SAR) to celebrate Saudi National Day on 5-23 Septiembre. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log. Based on the number of lunar years, Saudi National Day commemorates the renaming of the Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (23 Septiembre 1932). National societies from Gulf Cooperation Council's neighbouring countries are expected to join the celebrations and be active around 23 Septiembre, including the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (A91ARS), the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (9K9KSA), the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (A43KSA) and the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (A60ARS).

A60ARS: Indicativo especial

HZ - HZ94ND, 7Z94ND and 8Z94ND are the Indicativos especiales for the Saudi Amateur Radio Society (HZ1SAR) to celebrate Saudi National Day on 5-23 Septiembre. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log. Based on the number of lunar years, Saudi National Day commemorates the renaming of the Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (23 Septiembre 1932). National societies from Gulf Cooperation Council's neighbouring countries are expected to join the celebrations and be active around 23 Septiembre, including the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (A91ARS), the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (9K9KSA), the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (A43KSA) and the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (A60ARS).

A91ARS: Indicativo especial

HZ - HZ94ND, 7Z94ND and 8Z94ND are the Indicativos especiales for the Saudi Amateur Radio Society (HZ1SAR) to celebrate Saudi National Day on 5-23 Septiembre. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log. Based on the number of lunar years, Saudi National Day commemorates the renaming of the Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (23 Septiembre 1932). National societies from Gulf Cooperation Council's neighbouring countries are expected to join the celebrations and be active around 23 Septiembre, including the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (A91ARS), the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (9K9KSA), the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (A43KSA) and the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (A60ARS).

II4VISN: Indicativo especial

I - Throughout 2024 ARI Fidenza will use a series of Indicativos especiales each representing a 'keyword' that summarizes and characterizes the content of a sentence from one of Guglielmo Marconi's many public speeches: II4TENC (Enero), II4INTU (Febrero), II4SUCC (Marzo), II4DETR (Abril), II4SEAS (Mayo), II4RDFE (Junio), II4INNV (Julio), II4BFRE (Agosto), II4OTSR (Septiembre), II4VISN (Octubre), II4BTFU (Noviembre), II4FCGD (Diciembre). QSL via IQ4FE. Information about the 'Discovering Marconi' award: http://www.arifidenza.it/.

C21MM: Nauru (OC-031)

C2 - 'Out of nowhere, Nauru Airlines cancelled all our confirmed flights due to a change in their flight schedule!', team C21MM reported on 29 Agosto. The new dates for the DXpedition to Nauru (OC-031) are 10-29 Octubre, and the silver lining is that C21MM will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. The whole group (14 operators) has had to rearrange all flights, including those from Europe to Australia, as well as the accommoda- tion. 'These rearrangements produced unexpected additional costs of around 8,000 USD', and they 'hope to get special support from the DX community to bring this rare DXCC country on the air'. As Phill, C21TS has been quite active on FT8 for more than one year, C21MM will focus on CW on 160-6 metres, as well as SSB and RTTY on several bands. See https://c21mm.mydx.de/ for more information and updates.

ZL4AA: special event callsign

SPANNING THE GLOBE ---> 18 Octubre 2024 marks the centenary of the world's very first trans-global two-way radio communication. The contact was made between Cecil Goyder, operating the Mill Hill School station (G)2SZ, and Frank Bell, (Z)4AA, operating from the South Island of New Zealand. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of that historic contact, and celebrate the dawn of mass global communication, radio amateurs in the United Kingdom and New Zealand will be operating four special event stations: ZM100DX early Septiembre-26 Diciembre from locations around ZL GB2NZ 29 Septiembre-26 Octubre from locations around the UK ZL4AA 12-20 Octubre from Shag Valley, New Zealand G2SZ 14-20 Octubre from Mill Hill School, England QSL for all four calls via M0OXO's OQRS. The Goyder-Bell Award will be available for contacts made with the stations celebrating the centenary. Complete information can be found on https://www.gb2nz.com/.

G2SZ: special event callsign

SPANNING THE GLOBE ---> 18 Octubre 2024 marks the centenary of the world's very first trans-global two-way radio communication. The contact was made between Cecil Goyder, operating the Mill Hill School station (G)2SZ, and Frank Bell, (Z)4AA, operating from the South Island of New Zealand. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of that historic contact, and celebrate the dawn of mass global communication, radio amateurs in the United Kingdom and New Zealand will be operating four special event stations: ZM100DX early Septiembre-26 Diciembre from locations around ZL GB2NZ 29 Septiembre-26 Octubre from locations around the UK ZL4AA 12-20 Octubre from Shag Valley, New Zealand G2SZ 14-20 Octubre from Mill Hill School, England QSL for all four calls via M0OXO's OQRS. The Goyder-Bell Award will be available for contacts made with the stations celebrating the centenary. Complete information can be found on https://www.gb2nz.com/.

C91BV: Mozambique

C9 - Gus CX2AM, Bert CX3AN and Rainer CX8FB will be active as C91BV from Mozambique on 17-24 Octubre. They will operate CW and SSB with two stations on 40-6 metres. QSL via EB7DX.

E6AQ: Niue (OC-040)

E6 - Jacek, SP5EAQ will be active as E6AQ from Niue (OC-040) from 22 Octubre to 9 Noviembre, including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Con- test. He will operate SSB on 80-10m. See http://niue.sp7dqr.pl/ for more information. QSL via SP7DQR (http://sp7dqr.pl/en/oqrs.php) and LoTW.

XT2MD: Burkina Faso

XT - In addition to 160-6m all-mode operations and 2m EME digi, XT2MD, the Mediterraneo DX Club's DXpedition to Burkina Faso (31 Octubre- 11 Noviembre) [425DXN 1731], will also distribute all-mode QSOs via satellite (QO-100). The operator will be Richard, GI4DOH, who 'will be more than happy' to arrange skeds (contact him via qrz.com email address). Unfortunately, the air freight of the necessary equipment will increase the cost of the expedition, which is already over budget. Supporting XT2MD with your donations is now more important than ever: https://www.mdxc.support/xt2md/.

II4BTFU: Indicativo especial

I - Throughout 2024 ARI Fidenza will use a series of Indicativos especiales each representing a 'keyword' that summarizes and characterizes the content of a sentence from one of Guglielmo Marconi's many public speeches: II4TENC (Enero), II4INTU (Febrero), II4SUCC (Marzo), II4DETR (Abril), II4SEAS (Mayo), II4RDFE (Junio), II4INNV (Julio), II4BFRE (Agosto), II4OTSR (Septiembre), II4VISN (Octubre), II4BTFU (Noviembre), II4FCGD (Diciembre). QSL via IQ4FE. Information about the 'Discovering Marconi' award: http://www.arifidenza.it/.

LZ311PA: Indicativo especial

LZ - Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) will use six Indicativos especiales during 2024 to honour as many different Orthodox saints: LZ235IR (Enero and Febrero), LZ543BN (Marzo and Abril), LZ44IZ (Mayo and Junio), LZ302IT (Julio and Agosto), LZ1515IW (Septiembre and Octubre), and LZ311PA (Noviembre and Diciembre). QSL via the bureau or direct to P.O. Box 36, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria. Details on the 'All Saints 2024 Award' can be found at https://www.lz1kcp.com/.

E51SGC: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands

PACIFIC TRIP ---> Stan, LZ1GC and Ted LZ5QZ will be active as E51SGC from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands on 6-24 Noviembre, and as A35GC from Nuku'alofa (OC-049), Tonga on 25 Noviembre-6 Diciembre. They will operate CW, SSB, FT4, FT8 and RTTY on 160-6 metres with three stations and a focus on 160, 80 and 60m. QSLs via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, or via LZ1GC. More information will be available on https://www.c21gc.com/.

S9Z: Sao Tome (AF-023)

S9 - A large multi-national team (Roman 5B4AQN, Jorge CT1BOL, Jose CT1EEB, Rigo HI8RD, Max I8NHJ, Kimo KH7U, Angus KJ7KOJ, Ralph K0IR, Al K3VN, Bill N2WB, Tom N4XP, Mike N6MZ, Dave WB4JTT and Robin W7YED) will be active as S9Z from Sao Tome (AF-023) on 11-20 Noviembre. They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes on 160-6 metres, and will also be on 70 cm EME. Bookmark https://s9z.org/ as well as https://www.facebook.com/groups/805821064953030/ for more information and updates. The Northern California DX Foundation has announced its financial support for the DXpedition, as the team includes a young DXer (KJ7KOJ). This will be his 'first chance at being a DXpeditioner. He is a great operator and has the full support of his Dad, W7YED who is also on the team'. The mission of NCDXF is to provide neces- sary financial support for well-organized DXpeditions to desirable DXCC Entities and to support advances in DXpeditioning skills, technology, and infrastructure: https://www.ncdxf.org.

3D2Y: Rotuma Island (OC-060)

3D2/R - The 15 Noviembre-4 Diciembre DXpedition to Rotuma Island [425DXN 1728] will be signing 3D2Y, not 3D2Z as previously announced. The on-site team (K4NHW, KD9LSV, LY7J, M0SDV, W2FQ and W6IZT) will operate locally with three stations on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and FT8. They will also participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest using a different callsign (Anunciada para). In addition, two of W6IZT's NexGenRiBs will be operated remotely by a multi-national team of young amateurs. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS. See https://rotuma2024.com/ for more information and updates.

A35GC: Nuku'alofa (OC-049), Tonga

PACIFIC TRIP ---> Stan, LZ1GC and Ted LZ5QZ will be active as E51SGC from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands on 6-24 Noviembre, and as A35GC from Nuku'alofa (OC-049), Tonga on 25 Noviembre-6 Diciembre. They will operate CW, SSB, FT4, FT8 and RTTY on 160-6 metres with three stations and a focus on 160, 80 and 60m. QSLs via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, or via LZ1GC. More information will be available on https://www.c21gc.com/.

II4FCGD: Indicativo especial

I - Throughout 2024 ARI Fidenza will use a series of Indicativos especiales each representing a 'keyword' that summarizes and characterizes the content of a sentence from one of Guglielmo Marconi's many public speeches: II4TENC (Enero), II4INTU (Febrero), II4SUCC (Marzo), II4DETR (Abril), II4SEAS (Mayo), II4RDFE (Junio), II4INNV (Julio), II4BFRE (Agosto), II4OTSR (Septiembre), II4VISN (Octubre), II4BTFU (Noviembre), II4FCGD (Diciembre). QSL via IQ4FE. Information about the 'Discovering Marconi' award: http://www.arifidenza.it/.

OR80USA: Indicativo especial

ON - Members of UBA's Groupement De Verviers will be active as OR80USA on 1-15 Septiembre and again on 16-31 Diciembre. The Indicativo especial commemorates the 80th anniversary of the liberation from German occupation and the Battle of the Bulge during World War II, events in which the US military was heavily engaged. QSL via the bureau to ON4GDV.
Enero 2026

3Y0K: Bouvet Island (AN-002)

3Y0K: BOUVET ISLAND 2026 ---> 'We are sHasta negotiating contracts for the DXpedition to Bouvet Island. This DXpedition will be a large scale operation with 20-24 operators, and we are looking for 4-6 more CW/SSB operators to complete the team: https://3y0k.com/. We are looking at various options on how to run the expedition, where the focus now is on helicopter logistics. Previously, at the end of Junio, we received the helicopter permit from the Norwegian Polar Institute and therefore have all the permits we need to activate Bouvetoya'. The permit is valid for a helicopter operation in the period Noviembre 2025 to Marzo 2026, and covers the plateau above the SW corner of the island to the SE part at Cape Fie.
Febrero 2027

3Y0L: Peter I Island (AN-004)

PETER I ISLAND 2027 ---> 'We plan to activate Peter I Island in Febrero 2027 with a team of 19 operators. We have signed a financial agreement with a private group about sharing the cost for this DXpedition. The DXpedition budget and our share is around $825,000, of which we must deposit $340,000 in 2024'. The landing permit from the Norwegian Polar Institute was received in Abril; the callsign (3Y0L) will be confirmed later. The expedition is expected to run from 28 Enero to 26 Febrero 2027, including the voyage from King George Island (South Shetlands) to Peter I and back. Plans are for the team to go ashore with two helicopters and stay on the island for 14-18 days. Bookmark https://3y0l.com/ for updates.